Can Dogs Eat Grapes?

can dogs eat grapes

Whether you are a dog lover or you have a pet, you probably know that grapes are not good for dogs. They are toxic and can cause kidney failure. If you think your dog has eaten grapes, you should take him to a veterinarian immediately. This is because the toxicity of grapes can be fatal. The prognosis will vary depending on whether the dog has acute kidney failure or has already suffered from kidney damage.

Many people wonder if their dog can eat grapes. While many dog breeds are sensitive to grapes, there are some that do not have a reaction to grapes at all. However, some dogs do develop toxicity after eating just a handful of grapes. The size of the dog also affects whether it will develop grape toxicity. For example, brachycephalic breeds are more prone to vomit. This may be because the brachycephalic breeds have a difficult time breathing.

You should also know that grapes contain a chemical known as mycotoxin. This chemical is toxic and is produced by fungi. If your dog has ingested a grape, your vet may recommend administering intravenous fluids to reduce the damage to the kidneys. Your vet may also administer an oral solution of hydrogen peroxide to prevent absorption. This solution irritates the intestines and helps to eliminate 50 percent of the grapes your dog ate. Your vet may also give your dog activated charcoal to help bind the toxins. However, you should avoid inducing vomiting at home if your dog has advanced kidney failure.

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When you bring your dog to the vet, your vet will perform a urinalysis to check for kidney damage. They may also run blood tests and order fluid therapy for acute kidney failure. They may even prescribe medications to help remove the toxins from your dog. The veterinarian may also recommend giving your dog an intravenous fluid to help with electrolyte balance.

The first symptom that you should watch for is vomiting. The second symptom is loss of appetite. You should also look for dehydration, pale gums, panting and dry mouth. Your dog may develop abdominal pain within 12 to 24 hours of ingestion. You should also contact pet poison control to report your dog’s grape ingestion.

The ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center also recommends that you call your vet if you suspect that your dog has eaten grapes. Your vet may induce vomiting in your dog as soon as possible, especially if the grapes were eaten recently. If you are unable to contact your vet, take your dog to a veterinary emergency room. Your veterinarian may also give your dog intravenous fluids to help flush out the toxins faster. Your vet may also prescribe stronger medications to help your dog remove toxins from his body.

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If your dog has already been diagnosed with grape toxicity, your veterinarian may recommend giving your dog an oral medication to help remove the toxins. If your vet thinks your dog has a grape allergy, they may recommend avoiding grapes altogether.