why do cats wag their tail

Why Do Cats Wag Their Tail?

His tail’s wagging… the question is, is he going to bite you, lick you or ignore you? Why do cats wag their tail?

Cats are very good at communicating with their tails. A cat’s tail can say a lot about its mood. When a cat wags its tail, it usually means they are happy and content.

There are a few different reasons why cats wag their tails. The following are some of the most common reasons.

1. They are happy

When a cat is content and relaxed, it will constantly start to wag its tail back and forth. This is a sure sign that your kitty is happy and feels safe and comfortable in its current environment.

2. They are trying to communicate

Cats use their tails to communicate a variety of different things. For instance, a cat may start wagging its tail when it sees its owner come home from work. This is the cat’s way of saying, “Hi, I’m happy to see you!”

3. They are excited

A cat may also start wagging its tail when excited about something. For example, if a cat sees its favorite toy or a tasty treat, it may start wagging its tail in anticipation.

4. They are nervous

Believe it or not, cats can also wag their tails when they feel nervous or anxious. If a cat is in an unfamiliar place or around new people, it may start wagging its tail to try and calm itself down.

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5. They are trying to show dominance

In some cases, a cat may start wagging its tail to assert its dominance over another animal or person. For example, if a cat sees another cat outside, it may start wagging its tail to intimidate the other cat.

6. They are in pain

Unfortunately, cats can also start wagging their tails when in pain or discomfort. If a cat is injured or ill, it may start wagging its tail to signal that something is wrong.

7. They are a tom

If a cat is spayed or neutered, it may start to wag its tail more frequently to release excess energy. This is often seen in kittens and young cats recently been spayed or neutered.

8. They have worms

In some cases, a cat may start wagging its tail excessively if it has worms. If your cat’s tail is moving more than usual, it is important to take them to the vet for a check-up.

9. They are pregnant

Some female cats will start wagging their tails more frequently when pregnant. This is often due to the increased hormones present during pregnancy.

10. They have fleas

If a cat has fleas, it may start wagging its tail to get rid of them. Fleas are incredibly uncomfortable for cats, so this is a sure sign that your kitty is not feeling its best.

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Final remarks on why cats wag their tails

As you can see, there are various reasons why cats wag their tails. If you notice your cat’s tail starts to move more than usual, it is important to take note of the other symptoms present. This will help you determine if your cat is wagging its tail because it is happy or something is wrong. If you are ever concerned about your cat’s health, it is always best to consult with a veterinarian.