Human Foods That Are Poisonous to Cats

Human Foods That Are Poisonous to Cats

There are several human foods that are poisonous to cats. The ASPCA provides a complete list of such foods that you should avoid feeding to your cat.

Cats can get food poisoning from a number of sources, including owners’ raw meals. Raw meat or raw eggs can carry harmful bacteria, such as Salmonella. If your cat eats something that contains this substance, contact your vet right away. Symptoms include vomiting and diarrhea. It is not worth the risk.

A popular human food that is not safe for cats is chocolate. This is due to the presence of theobromine, a toxic agent. In addition, xylitol, an artificial sweetener found in candy, can be extremely dangerous to your cat.

Another common human food that is not safe for your pet is grapes. Grapes contain an unknown toxin that can cause kidney failure in your cat. Similarly, raisin pits are hazardous to pets.

Avocados are also toxic to cats. However, you can offer the flesh of the fruit in moderation. Avocados are rich in fat and should be avoided. Additionally, the pits of avocados contain persin, which is a toxic compound that causes vomiting and diarrhea.

There are also many other common human foods that are not safe for cats. Caffeine, for example, can be fatal. Small doses of caffeine can induce hypertension and seizures, while larger quantities may result in death. Also, alcohol is toxic to pets. Ethanol, which is a type of alcohol, can depress the central nervous system of your pet. Alcohol can also affect breathing and cause comas.

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Citrus fruits are another common human food that can cause gastrointestinal problems in cats. Although the fruits are not toxic, they can cause bloating, stomach pain, and diarrhea. Other common symptoms are nausea, tremors, and lethargy.

Chocolate can be toxic to your cat, and the best way to avoid it is to choose a variety that does not contain theobromine. Some varieties of cocoa powder and dark chocolate contain more of the toxin.

While cats are generally more sensitive to theobromine than dogs, other foods can be dangerous to them. Onions are another common culprit. They are part of the allium family, and they can cause oxidative damage to the red blood cells in your cat. This can result in a wide range of symptoms, from severe gastrointestinal upset to depression.

Among the most common human foods that are poisonous to cats are raisins, grapes, avocados, onions, and chocolate. If your cat eats any of these foods, call your veterinarian immediately. You can also contact the ASPCA Poison Control Center if you suspect your cat has ingested a toxin. Typically, 25% of pets recover from their condition within two hours.

You can help prevent your cat from getting food poisoning by avoiding raw meat and table scraps. If you do give your cat a human meal, make sure it is cooked thoroughly and has been prepared under the supervision of a vet.

See also  Human Foods That Are Safe For Your Cat to Eat