Can Cats Eat Raw Chicken? Everything You Need to Know

Can Cats Eat Raw Chicken Everything You Need to Know

If you’re a kitty owner, you might have wondered whether raw chicken is a safe food for cats. While it isn’t for everybody, it can be a healthy part of your cat’s diet. It’s also a good way to boost their nutrition. However, you have to be careful. Leaving a plate of raw chicken in the kitchen for too long can be unsafe for your kitty.

If you’re thinking about feeding your pet a bowl of raw chicken, it’s important to learn more about the pros and cons of this diet. You might want to consult your veterinarian to make sure you’re not putting your kitty at risk.

The first and most obvious benefit of a raw diet is that your kitty gets more nutrients. Unlike humans, cats have very robust digestive systems. They are able to break down proteins and carbohydrates efficiently. Their metabolism can also synthesise non-essential amino acids from protein. This helps keep their soft tissues and muscles in tip-top shape.

While a cat’s digestive system is a well-oiled machine, it still has some vulnerabilities. One of these is the potential for infections. For example, if your cat has salmonella poisoning, it can cause diarrhea and vomiting. Your vet will recommend medications to help stop the symptoms.

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Another problem is the presence of harmful bacteria on raw meat. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has found that 3.8% of young chicken samples tested positive for salmonella. Although a few studies have shown that the presence of this microorganism isn’t a serious threat, it is still something you need to be aware of.

To be on the safe side, you should purchase your chicken from a reputable source. It’s a good idea to use organic chicken if possible, since it has a higher nutritional value. You should also cook the meat thoroughly to avoid the presence of any bacteria.

You’ll also want to keep an eye on your cat’s bowel movement. If your kitty is having a hard time with constipation, reduce the amount of bone in your cat’s diet. A few sharp pieces of bone can lodge in the esophagus and even the stomach. This can lead to a complication in the form of life-threatening sepsis.

The best raw diet for your kitty is likely to be a balanced blend of fresh foods. You can start with the more basic options like chicken and turkey hearts, then progress to larger cuts. You might also want to include things like ostrich and beef organs. You can also try adding in cat jelly or gravy to balance out the fat content.

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The main downside of a raw diet is that your cat might not be as healthy as they could be. For instance, your cat might be overweight, which can lead to diabetes, heart disease and a host of other health problems. They are also susceptible to parasites and bacteria. While there are no guarantees, the benefits of a raw diet are great.