Foods That Are Dangerous Or Toxic to Cats

Foods that are Dangerous or Toxic to Cats

Keeping a cat safe from foods that are dangerous or toxic is not always easy. They are curious animals who love to investigate what’s left out. They can easily ingest small bones or items that are not meant for them, so it’s important to keep their food cupboards high and out of reach. They are also notoriously finicky eaters. So if you think your cat has gotten into something that’s potentially harmful, it’s important to take him or her to the vet right away.

Grapes are a good example of one of the many foods that are dangerous or toxic to cats. In fact, grapes are so poisonous to pets that the ASPCA recommends against giving them to them. They are a member of the Solanaceae family of plants, which also includes tomatoes, Deadly Nightshade, and shallots. They can cause abdominal pain, diarrhoea, and nausea. They can also damage red blood cells.

Raw meat is another common source of toxicity for cats. Cats can get food poisoning from ingesting raw or undercooked meat, and they can also pick up Salmonella or E. coli from raw meat. They can also ingest small bones from fresh fish. These are choking hazards, and they can also lead to gastrointestinal and teeth problems.

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Theobromine, the main ingredient in chocolate, is also a known toxin. It can cause an abnormal heart rhythm, muscle tremors, and lethargy. While cats can metabolize theobromine more slowly than dogs, they are still very sensitive to it.

Other foods that are dangerous or toxic to cats include garlic and yeast dough. Garlic can affect the cat’s red blood cells and digestive tract. Yeast dough is also toxic, because it produces alcohol when it is fermented. When the cat ingests the dough, it can cause gas buildup in the digestive tract, and this can cause serious discomfort for the pet.

Other foods that are dangerous or toxic for cats are raisins and macadamia nuts. These foods can cause a painful condition called pancreatitis. They can also cause kidney failure. If your cat eats raisins, it can develop anemia.

Other foods that are dangerous or toxic in small doses include milk, cheese, and eggs. Most cats are lactose intolerant, and they can experience mild diarrhea, excess drooling, or other digestive complications if they drink dairy products. Some fruits, such as apples, can give your cat a healthy dose of vitamin C. However, apples contain the same amount of sugar as bananas, so your cat should be wary of them.

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Onions are also dangerous to cats. They contain a compound called thiosulphate, which can break down the cat’s red blood cells. Whenever you have large amounts of onions around, make sure you wash your hands thoroughly after handling them. They are especially bad for cats who have a history of kidney problems.

Xylitol is an artificial sweetener that can be found in a variety of foods. It isn’t easy to identify on a label, but it is a very toxic substance for cats. It can cause hypoglycemia, liver failure, and even seizures. It can be found in candy, yogurt, peanut butter, and other packaged goods.