Which Cat Breeds Shed the Least?

which cat breeds shed the least

Choosing which cat breeds shed the least can be confusing. This can be because there are so many different breeds that shed. You need to make sure that you have chosen the right breed for your home. The best way to know which cat breeds shed the least is to look at the type of hair that they shed. This can help you find a breed that has hair that will be easy to clean. You will also want to look at the temperament of each breed to see which one is best suited to your home.

British shorthair

Compared to other cat breeds, the British shorthair sheds the least. While they are known for their hypoallergenic quality, they are still prone to some health problems.

They are prone to obesity and diabetes, and may have a high blood pressure. They may also have a tendency to develop polycystic kidney disease.

They can be a good choice for families with children. They are a little less demanding than other breeds, and they are friendly toward kids and other animals. They are also affectionate when they are around people. They tend to respect personal space, and they like to take seats next to their owners.

They have a plush coat with a short, dense undercoat. The British shorthair sheds a little all year, but it is particularly noticeable during the spring and autumn months.

They are also prone to dry patches in their coat. This may be caused by allergies or parasites. It’s important to brush your British Shorthair regularly.

The British shorthair is not generally a lap cat, but it does get along with kids. It will let you know when it wants something.

A British Shorthair will get along with most animals, but they are not fond of being carried around. They are also very laid back. They are friendly, intelligent, and affectionate. However, they aren’t very playful.

They are also known for their round eyes. They have a round head and paws. They are also known for their ‘teddy bear’ coats.


Often referred to as the hairless cat, the Sphynx is a breed of cat that has been developed through selective breeding. It was originally called the Canadian hairless, but later renamed.

Sphynx cats are friendly and affectionate. They get along with most other animals, including dogs, cats, and even humans. However, they are prone to cardiomyopathy and skin problems. So, it’s important to take care of your Sphynx to avoid these problems.

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Sphynx cats can have a wide range of skin colors. They are considered to be hairless cats, but they can have a peach fuzz coating of hair on the head. Depending on their genetic makeup, their coat can be white, gray, blue, black, or any color that is genetically possible in felines.

Having a hairless coat can be an advantage for people with allergies. However, a sphynx also has a high risk for developing skin cancer. To help reduce this risk, keep your sphynx inside during the day and protect them from sunlight.

Sphynx cats are also prone to dental problems, so regular brushing and brushing of their teeth is important. It’s also important to keep a close eye on their ears, as wax build-up can be a source of infection.

A sphynx cat’s ears should be cleaned with an ear cleaning solution on a weekly basis. You should also wipe away dust and wax that accumulates in the ear.


Despite the hype around Siberian cats, there is little evidence to back up their claim to being hypoallergenic. However, this doesn’t mean that they aren’t the right pet for you. They are super social and get along with almost everyone. If you’re considering getting a cat, you should consider adopting a Siberian.

Siberian cats are not only hypoallergenic, but they’re also very affectionate. They enjoy spending time with their people and will come when they’re called. They’re also very playful and will follow you around the house.

Siberian cats have a long, thick coat that sheds less than most other cat breeds. They also get along with children and other animals. Their long, weatherproof coat keeps them warm during cold months.

Siberian cats are considered hypoallergenic because they produce less of the chemical that causes cat allergies. They’re also less likely to have allergies than mixed-breed cats.

Siberian cats are known for their strong bones and muscles. They’re also known for their athletic jumps. They are also very sweet-natured, so they’re ideal for homes with children or other pets.

Siberian cats are usually medium in size. They’re usually between nine inches and eleven inches in height, and weigh about twenty pounds. They’re a fairly rare breed, and aren’t found in many shelters. They’re also very expensive. You can expect to pay up to $4000 for a kitten, depending on the pedigree.

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Among the various cat breeds, the Burmese cat is one of the least shedding cats. This is because of their low amount of dander and because their coats are made of fine fur.

The Burmese cat is a wonderful pet that loves companionship. These cats are also a lot of fun to play with. They are also very intelligent and love to explore. They are devoted to their owners, making them great family pets.

Burmese cats are also known for their dog-like behavior. They get along well with other pets, dogs, and kids. They also love to play and learn new tricks. They enjoy the company of their owner and are highly trainable. They can be put on a leash if necessary.

Burmese cats can live to be up to 18 years of age. They have a strong muscular body, and are well-built. They are not as suited for isolation as other breeds, so they need to be kept indoors. Keeping them inside also protects them from larger animals.

Burmese cats are great pets for families. They enjoy the company of their owners and are always waiting for them when they come home. These cats are also very playful, and are more likely to follow their owners around than other breeds.

When choosing a Burmese cat, you should look for a good breeder who will offer a health guarantee and proof that your cat is free of a gene that causes a condition called hypokalemia. This disease can cause skeletal muscle weakness and make it difficult for your cat to hold its head up.


Compared to other cat breeds, the Donskoy is known for its low-shedding coat. They have a soft, silky fur that feels soothing to the touch.

Donskoys are sociable and intelligent cats. They are easy to train and can learn basic commands. They are also quite loyal to their owners. They are friendly to kids and dogs.

As a result, they are excellent pets for families with kids. They have strong bonds with their owners and can be taught basic commands. They are also great for cuddling with children.

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Donskoys are easy to groom, but they do need extra care. They should be brushed at least twice a month. They also need regular baths. They are prone to gum and tooth problems. Their ears should be checked for dirt and infections regularly.

Donskoys are good pets for families with kids because they are highly intelligent and easily trained. They can be a little tricky to socialize with other pets, so be prepared for some separation anxiety. They also have a high body temperature, which prevents them from getting respiratory diseases. They should also be sheltered from the elements. They should wear coats in the winter, and be covered up in the heat.

They have a unique look, and they are known for their climbing skills. They are also known for their soft down fuzz.


Often compared to a Devon Rex, the LaPerm cat is a medium-sized cat with a distinctive coat. They come in a variety of colors and patterns.

LaPerms are known for their playful nature. They like to interact with other cats and are friendly with children. They enjoy petting and playing fetch.

LaPerms are not hypoallergenic but their curly fur is low shedding. However, some LaPerms have a short or straight coat. This coat can vary in length depending on the season. During the winter to spring transition, LaPerms may shed in large amounts.

The LaPerm breed is a relatively new one. It was introduced in the 1980s. It is bred from domestic shorthairs and longhairs. The International Cat Association (ICA) recognized the breed in 2002.

LaPerms have almond-shaped eyes. These eyes are slightly flared and are larger than a standard cat’s. When a LaPerm is excited, its eyes appear rounder. They also have medium-sized ears. They may have a curly tail.

LaPerms have a long and muscular body. They reach a height of 6 to 10 inches. They can weigh up to 8 pounds. They are moderately active. They do not nag for attention.

LaPerms are friendly and get along with other cats and dogs. They are good travel companions. However, they should not be introduced to new cats at once. Ideally, they should be left to observe each other at a distance. This will help them develop a strong resistance to stress.